Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fundraising has begun...

It has been a long time since I have written a blog! I have missed getting to share with you everything that has been happening in my life. I have been so busy with trying to fundraise for my journey back to Ethiopia. I also got a full time job to help with some of my expenses.

Darling Family
So if your reading this, you can see that I have a new revised blog? Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!! I love it!! Thanks to Tiffany Darling! A dear dear sister in Chirst of mine, who I met through one of the street kids named Habtamu. She and her husband Jim have truly shown me the love of Jesus Christ by helping with my blog, prayer cards, and brochures. They have encouraged me greatly through this journey, and I can't thank my Savior enough for them. As you can see, they have adopted from Ethiopia, so we share the love of the same country. They have the greatest hearts! Tiffany has a wonderful blog about her adoption and life, it's a must read:) http://www.amomentcherished.com/. I know this won't be the last time you hear about them.

Fundraising has begun for me to get back and do the work God has called me to do. I hope that you all join me in this adventure. As you see I have a goal of $20,000 dollars along with a need for monthly supporters. My monthly support I have broken down. If I can get 5 churches to do 200 dollars a month and 50 people to do 25 dollars a month, I will meet my goal. I know that it seems like alot of money, but God knows whose hearts this will capture. Nothing is too big for Him! Please help me become a soul fighter for the children of Ethiopia. Even if you can't go, you are still helping by sending me. If you like to help look at my "Give" tab and coming soon is a pay pal button. You can  alsosend me an email rebeccajbrown84@yahoo.com  if you would like to help. I like to know all my supporters. I want to send you letters throughout the process of this:) in order to let you know how your money is helping the children of Africa. If you have any questions about what I am doing as well please ask. So let's watch God work!!

If you know any churches or organizations that would love to hear my story or be a part of God's work in Ethiopia, please let me know. I love to share God's story to others. We can all do this together, helping the children of Ethiopia. God calls us to help the orphans and widows. Everyone can play a part in this mission!

Much prayer needed during time of raising funds. Pray for open hearts,open minds, peace, clarity for others, words to say to others. Pray that the Holy Spirit shines through me when I tell His story:)

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