Friday, May 18, 2012

Remembering Garrett Coble

Friday, May 11th a dear friend of mine, Garrett Coble went to be with Jesus. It still doesn't seem real. I still feel like I can pick up the phone call him. I met Garrett at Total Health were I worked as a massage therapist. Garrett came everyday to workout. He always told me he wanted to look good ladies. It still makes me smile. Garrett found out my love for Jesus and mission and we instantly became friends. Garrett introduced me to lifegroup and overflow. "Garrett, thank you for introducing me to the greatest people I know and to a place that I could come worship the Lord for an hour."

Friends from Lifegroup

Celebrating my birthday in Dallas with Trisha and Garrett
Garrett and I would talk about mission and life for hours. He really inspired me to follow my calling onto the mission field. Garrett was my number one supporter in what I do for the children of Ethiopia. I really wanted to share with you all my last conversations I had with Garrett on Facebook. Looking back God is amazing for the little things he gives you.

"I was just thinking about how incredible you are today. When I think about how short life is, and how long eternity will be to look back, I can't help to think that we're going to be looking at your life saying..."wow."

Garrett, I was just thinking how incredible you are since you left! People are looking at your life and saying "WOW"

"How much longer are you there? My family is working with an orphanage in Peru right now too. I hope someday you can go there."

Garrett, I hope that I get to see the place you have talked so much about:)

No! What!?!?! Who are you? Jobe!?!?! I'm so sorry. Please, please let me rent a room in your mansion in Heaven. You really are an inspiration. I can't wait until you get back on the field. Actually, sign me up as a supporter. Rebecca, you have the most beautiful, pure heart for missions I've ever seen in my life. I cannot wait to see what comes out of this trial. Hold on! Be strong! It's a season.

I got this message when I had malaria and was very very sick. I am sure dear friend that you were praying for me then. This message reminds how funny you were. Garrett, PLEASE let my rent a room in heaven where you are. Words can not express what you have done for me in my life in missions. Your spirit was so contagious and love for people. I wanted that to. I knew that what you had was Jesus in you. The Holy Spirit would come alive in you. You always taught me nothing was impossible with Christ. That all my dreams for the mission field could be done. You are an inspiration to me.

I had written Garrett about his fiance and this what he said...

Sometimes she's unbelievable, then I realize she is legit. She has a calling for Latin America, speaks spanish, and loves God with all her heart...and she's white! She's a perfect fit, and everyday that becomes more real.

Garrett and I would talk about him finding his perfect fit. I was so excited when he did. I never did get the chance to meet her, but I know that she will do great things for the kingdom of God, Garrett. Garrett always told me that he would marry a spanish decent women, so it was an inside joke about his fiance being white:)  I always knew you would, Garrett.

"I Am at total health. Made me think of you. Hope you're doing well."

Last Conversation with Garrett

"Thank you. That means a lot. I hope you know you are still my idol in missions. I know it's tough waiting, but I believe with all my heart every great missionary was in your shoes for a while, going through the fire before doing those great things. I'm honestly jealous of your life. Your heart, your love for those kids, and your willingness to step up to the plate and actually give it all. There's a special place in eternity, I'm sure of that. Thank you so much for everything you do."

Garrett, I am jealous of you! You get to be in heaven with the Lord!! I remember I came home from work and got this from you and tears streaming down my face. Garrett, the is a special place for you now, I am sure of that. I wish that I could tell how God used you to encourage me. I am so glad that I did write you back and tell you that are an inspiration to me and that you help spark a fire in me to fight for people souls. Life is so precious and people need to know about Christ.

Garrett, In 7 days I leave for Ethiopia for a 6 month mission and I am going to dedicate my trip to you. I am going to tell all of my kids about you. Garrett, if it were not for you financially, I could not be there to tell them about Christ. I will never forget you and what you did for me in my life. You changed the world for so many. I will truly miss you friend, I know I will see you soon! I will always keep fighting the fight of children's souls. I will never forget your words that you sent to me and I am so thankful for God for the little gift he gave me of your notes. See you soon:)  

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