Sunday, October 9, 2011

Give me eyes to see...

Ok, Ok ... I am bad at this blogging thing but today in prayer God really convited me that I should be telling his stories to others. I am not a very good writer but when God tells you to do something you better do it:)

So I am here to write about Ethiopia. I cant begin to tell you in words how much my heart aches for this country. A year and half ago I had never even heard of this country to everyday fighting to be right there serving God and getting to see his face in all of those children. This summer I met street kids that have for ever changed my life and heart. These kids are amazing. I love them like they were my own. They are always in my dreams. God has given me such a burden for the children on the streets of Ethiopia:) God has shown me not only to teach them about God himself but to show them a crazy love. A love that shows Christ love for them. How can we ever teach a child by telling them "Jesus loves them" and then never show it. These kids do not know what love is. The have never been shown nothing but abandonment, abuse, stravation and sickness. How can a child ever know God if they have never felt love. My dream is to love these children like they have never been loved before and that they will know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.   

Someone that God has laid on my heart to tell you about is Brhanu. Brhanu is the kindest, smartest and a born leader:) Brhanu was always bored in my class because he always understood everything. He always helped me with translating. He actaully was helping me with translating long time before I even knew he was repeating what I was saying to the other boys. Brhanu always puts a smile on face. Brhanu has taught me a alot about strength and hope. Brhanu showed up everyday to class and on time. He never gave me any trouble. One day I ask him if I could meet his parents. He was scared at first for me to come to his home because he didnt want me to see where he lived or even how he lived. But he said yes. Brhanu lives near a church. His house is made out of mud and tin. The monment I walked in you could smell the mildew and dampness. It was dark. They had two full size beds. Their ceiling was caving in. Brhanu told me that his house floods everyday. I met his mother who is blind. Both of his parents are blind. He has 6 other brothers that live in house. All there clothes were dirty and torn. The children where so happy to see us. They wanted to touch our skin and our hair. We decided to sit down so we could talk. We told Brhanu his mother that we where there to help him get a sponsor for school. She began talking so fast and the translator said that she begging you to get her a sponsor for her eyes. She kept putting my hands on her eyes, begging. Please if you could give me eyes to see even if it just one, I just want to see my children. I began to cry harder then I have ever cried before. This mother has never even see her children, how the house looked or even what the world looked like. I realized that Brhanu was head of household then. What a burden to carry at 13 years old. Two take care of two blind parents and 6 little brothers.  I then asked him why he was coming to my class everyday when he could be working. He said that he hopes for a better life. What strength he has and HOPE. I was so very blessed by him and what God showed me. I know that God has great plans for him. I cant wait to see him again. God is at work and I love to see him glorified in all of this:)

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